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Welcome to our consultation for an exciting new development by CR Properties for a full residential scheme at Centrum business park, Farnham. CR has owned and developed projects in and around Farnham for over 30 years. CR understands the area and its heritage and has worked closely with local stakeholders in developing this project.  This new high-quality development will address the needs of the local community and also act as a positive contribution to the east of Farnham Town Centre.


Farnham Centrum is a proposed residential-led development on an allocated brownfield site bounded by East Street to the north and Dogflud Way on the east, south and west. The scheme comprises of six residential blocks of varying heights, responding to their setting and topography. The site is currently occupied by a showroom building and light industrial warehouses. The site levels fall approximately 5-6m (1-2 storeys) from East Street to the lower reaches of Dogflud Way on the south opposite Farnham Leisure Centre and the skatepark, to which this proposal will provide new links.

The proposal has gone through many iterations to provide the viable scheme presented here. CR has employed the services of numerous consultants and we have worked closely with the Borough Council, the Surrey Design Review Panel and local stakeholders to make sure the scheme is policy compliant, does not negatively impact upon neighbouring properties, has a biodiversity net gain and is a positive contribution to the area.

Please let us have your comments by 12 July 2024.

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