The Incentivising the Fast Track Route (FTR) section of the "Accelerating Housing Delivery" practice note reaffirms measures to expedite planning processes for developments meeting specific affordable housing thresholds. Under the London Plan, private land developments must deliver 35% affordable housing, while public and industrial land developments require 50%. Meeting these thresholds allows developers to bypass lengthy viability testing through the FTR, enabling faster planning approvals and reducing delays.
The FTR not only accelerates housing delivery but incentivises developers to align with London Plan policies by prioritising affordable housing. The practice note emphasises that Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) should generally avoid requiring viability testing unless the thresholds are unmet or other policy criteria necessitate it. This framework promotes predictability and efficiency while ensuring the delivery of affordable homes.
Importantly, this practice note aims to assert primacy of the London Plan under Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 over local boroughs that have adopted higher affordable housing thresholds not in accordance with the London Plan. Some boroughs require developers to follow the Viability Tested Route (VTR) even when London Plan thresholds are met. This practice note reasserts the London Plan’s priority in decision-making, clarifying that where local plans predate the London Plan, conflicts must be resolved in favour of the latter under Section 38. This ensures a consistent and strategic approach to affordable housing delivery across London.
By emphasising the FTR and reinforcing the London Plan’s primacy, this practice note seeks to streamline housing delivery and enhance fairness in the planning process, addressing the city’s pressing housing challenges.